the hive, the den, the nest.

a play


scene 1

[Valle de la Luna, Chile. Night, around 11:43 p.m., full moon. The foreign landscape creates shadows that look like each audience members's first nightmare. T. and A. are dragging a tarp together, leaving a trail in the dirt that looks like the movements of a giant sand worm. There is an unknown figure in the tarp, hidden from view. T. drops their side of the tarp as an enormous black figure comes into view in the horizon. This is The Sight, a cathedral carved from a giant meteorite.]

A.: Is that it?


T.: Not much else out here.

[A. drops her side of the tarp and sits on the ground. She takes out a bottle of water out of her backpack. A. spills some water on the ground which begins to gather into a sphere, floating a couple centimeters above the dirt. T. sits down next to A.]

T.: Are you sure about this?

A.: I don't think we dragged a body for three days to just turn around at our destination.

T.: But...

[A rock from nearby gets sucked into the sphere, rotates furiously in the water.]

A.: The roses in the piano bloom when playing chords, not just single notes.

T.: (sighs. Looks at the sky above, the stars having turned their eyes away from this scene. They want nothing to do with A. and T.) And the ship's hull doesn't fill up with water on dry land. That doesn't mean he wanted it this way.

A.: Fuck you. Let's get going.

[A. puts her hand out and grabs the rock from the water sphere, the water dispersing on the ground. She pockets the rock as she gets up. T. joins her and they begin dragging the tarp once again. We follow them for the next forty minutes. The audience begins to have doubts about this around minute four but don't want to look like they don't get what is going on so they continue.

Once at the door of The Sight, A. enters first and they leave the body, propping the door so that the stars may continue to choose to look away. The moon is not shy about the fact that she cannot wait for the carnage to come. Cynthia is sitting at a booth near the entrance of the building. She continues to read, not noticing as A. and T. walk up to the small window.]

T.: Excuse us.

Cynthia: (looks up from her pornographic magazine that focuses on people laying on coffee tables surrounded by fishbowls) May your eyes be open, irises gems and pupils stones.

T.: (hesitant) And you too?

A.: We are here to speak with M.

Cynthia: (flips through a couple pages of her magazine, looking at it once again) M. is currently out on mission. You'll have to wait.

[The wind from outside blows the tarp, revealing the face of the figure inside. Cynthia looks up to see her uncle, eyes open and still.]

T.: We know you can get in contact with him. Please do.

Cynthia: (her left hand is now under the table, looking for the silent alarm) Here at The Sight we believe... (she begins to rattle off what she was taught to say in times of panic)

A.: (looks back at Cynthia's uncle) Shit.

next scene

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